Mr. Yant's Social Studies Web Site

UAC CPP Homework

Election 08
Global History Homework
Global Exam Review
UAC CPP Homework
Scavenger Hunt Clues
I to I Project
Current Events Assignment
BLOG Guide
Current Events Friday
Tech Links
Current Events
UAC Committees
Iraq War Primer
Primary Resources
Internet Evaluation
Reference Data Bases
UAC Computer Backup
MLA Format
5 Point Essay

Click here for LOGOS on UACHS blog

Click here for CPP blog

Click here for Bush's War online video

Monday 5/19
- good news, no homework during Odyssey presentations
- bad news, you will need to stay till 3:30 Tuesday and Wednesday for presentations
- good news, presentations are pretty cool!

Tuesday 5/20

Wednesday 5/21

Thursday 5/22

Friday 5/23

(last updated 5-21-2008)


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